domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Happy Halloween 2015


We wish you had fun;We did. 
Thank you all! 

Now that Halloween is coming, we post some games, songs and a lot of stuff you can download to play, sing and learn new things about this special festival.
Don`t forget your costume on Friday 30th to celebrate Halloween at the school with us. It will be TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!

                     HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               More Halloween online games


Create your own Halloween story

Great ideas for Halloween Crafts

Easy Halloween songs
Halloween songs with lyrics

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015


This year and to finish with the Gruffalo book sequence we worked with the Stick Man book in the International book day.
We read the book and we made some activities related to the story like create our own stick man with twings and cardboard.
 we also listen to the story you can watch in the following video: