This year we have gone to Cercedilla. 4 days and 3 nights full of activities,fun and time with our classmates.

Today our students have done the Pet and Ket oral exams. We know they did pretty good because they are very fluent speakers and they have worked a lot to be prepared.

But know we have to get ready for the most complicated one: the reading and writing part of the test. We have been also practising at the school but I want to post some pages or webs to check and review.

Todos los alumnos, tanto si se presentan a KET o PET, conviene que repasen lo siguiente:

En esta página tienen que elegir nivel, PET o KET y pueden practicar las destrezas Writing (escribir), reading (leer) y listening (escuchar)

En esta página, en el margen derecho hay varios opciones para practicar varias partes del examen.

En este enlace practican la lectura y la pronunciación. Hay tres niveles (level 1 es el más sencillo). Que hagan todos los niveles, especialmente el 2 y el 3.

En este cuarto enlace http://www.blackcatreaders.com/quizzes
 "Level" eligen A2 (KET) o B1 (PET) y en la opción de "Practice your" pueden elegir cualquiera de las opciones, destacable la parte "Exam skills".
En este quinto enlace se puede practicar ejercicios para el examen PET (B1)
 http://cdextras.cambridge.org/ObjectivePET/start.htm (sólo vocabulario que entra en PET)

Hope it helps!

We love the XX Century



We have just got the letters from our pen-friends in Chalkhill Primary school. There were some mistakes in them because they were written in Spanish but we know that mistakes are allowed while learning a new language. We have a great time reading them!

19 century history review- Kahoot game

Working in Collaborative Groups

As we did last year, we are working social science through projects. Here are some from the 19 century history presentations:

Time for Memories

Well my dear,not so long ago we took this picture and now you are in 6th grade. TIME FLIES.....
We really want you to enjoy the last year at the school but the main objective is that you keep on learning and growing as nice people. It will be a hard year because we need to work a lot but we are sure you will try your best, and remember you can count on us!
Let´s begin the adventure!

Our first trip of the year

Last Friday October 21st we enjoyed the visit to Pradolongo Park to work on recycling activities.

This is the first year that our students have to test their English profiency on the Cambridge test. They are working really hard and the teachers know they will do it very well. 

Down below you have a web where you can practice 

           web to practice Ket and Pet

19 century history review. kahoot game

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